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Symptoms of prevalent co-occurring disorders

The mental health problems that most typically co-occur with drug dependence are depression, anxiety conditions, and bipolar disorder.

Common signs and symptoms of clinical depression

Sentiments of helplessness and hopelessness

Loss of interest in everyday tasks

Incapacity to experience joy

Appetite or weight changes

Sleep alterations

Lack of energy

Substantial feelings of worthlessness or guilt

Concentration problems

Anger, physical pain, and ill-advised conduct (especially in men).

Typical indications of mania in bipolar disorder.

Emotions of elation or extreme irritability.

Nonrealistic, grandiose expectations.

Decreased need for sleeping.

Amplified energy.

Rapid speaking and racing thought and feelings.

Diminished common sense and impulsivity.



Anger or rage.

Typical signs and symptoms of anxiety.

Excessive pressure and worry.

Feeling restless or jumpy.

Irritability or feeling "wired".

Racing heart beat or lack of breath.

Nausea, trembling, or lightheadedness.

Muscle group tension, headaches.

Trouble focusing attention.
